Warrior Program: 10 Weeks
$3,495.00Are you experiencing feelings of a lack of purpose or direction, stuck in a ‘rut’, depression, anxiety, resentment, frustration, loss, loneliness? There is a light at the end of the tunnel.
We’ve been there too. We got through it by finding the resilience to grow and as a result understood more about ourselves and our environment; focussing on what we can change and not what we can’t.
There is a collective understanding that the stronger the emotion associated with a desire to make a behavioural change, the more rapid and long-term the change can be.
Putting your hand on a hot stove would illicit a strong reaction, instant pain and shock. From that day forward you would have immediately and permanently learnt not to touch a hot stove again.
A major health issue, marriage breakdown, loss of a job, depression, can indeed create the same intense pain that you think would lead us to make changes to avoid such things happening again.
However, for so many, we take a metaphorical band-aid and just ‘get through’ the pain. Only a minority find the strength to use this time to truly grow as a result. Indeed, most of us wouldn’t know how or what to change….not least of all where to start.
We understand that committing to a process evokes incredible strength and positivity. But it isn’t easy. We all want the results, but don’t realise the hard work and sacrifices required along the way to achieve them.
Having a supportive network of family and friend is important but often they can’t understand what you’re going through and will tell you want they think you want to hear to make you feel better.
We tell it like it is, with empathy and compassion, but we will challenge you and your current way of thinking. There will be times you’ll feel uncomfortable and may not want to deal with the truth. But, we’re here as a mentor and coach who has been through this ourselves and taken on the challenges. The 10 weeks will elevate you to a new level of personal and professional growth with a new outlook on life.